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Research HighLight
Research HighLight list
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13 [Jul 20,2014] 이현우 교수 연구실 - SHE's electric
Professor : 이현우 2019-02-13
이현우 2014-07-20 307
12 [Prof. Kyoung-Duck Park]Tunable interlayer excitons and switchable interlayer trions via dynamic nea…
Professor : Prof. Kyoung-Duck Park] 2023-04-05
Prof. Kyoung-Duck Park] 2023-03-28 304
11 [Feb 18, 2015] 송창용 교수 연구실 - Direct observation of bond formation in solution with femtosecond X-ray …
Professor : 송창용 2019-02-13
송창용 2015-02-18 302
10 [Jan 5, 2014] 성우경 교수 연구실 - Hollow nanotubular toroidal polymer
Professor : 성우경 2019-02-13
성우경 2014-01-05 300
9 [김윤호 교수 연구실] 결맞음 시간에 무관한 열광원의 2차 간섭 현상, Second-order temporal interference with thermal light: Inter…
Professor : 김윤호 2019-02-18
김윤호 2017-12-28 295
8 [Aug 05, 2014] 김윤호 교수 연구실 - Engineering Frequency-Time Quantum Correlation of Narrow-Band Biphotons …
Professor : 김윤호 2019-02-13
김윤호 2014-08-05 293
7 [Aug 18, 2014] 강명호 교수 연구실 - Identification of the Au Coverage and Structure of the Au/Si(111)−(5×2) …
Professor : 강명호 2019-02-13
강명호 2014-08-18 290
6 [Prof. Kyoung-Duck Park] Conformational heterogeneity of molecules physisorbed on a gold surface at …
Professor : Prof. Kyoung-Duck Park 2023-04-05
Prof. Kyoung-Duck Park 2022-08-17 290
5 [Nov 10, 2014] 김준성 교수 연구실 - Orbital-driven nematicity in FeSe
Professor : 김준성 2019-02-13
김준성 2014-11-10 288
4 [Prof. Kyoung-Duck Park] Tip-Enhanced Dark Exciton Nanoimaging and Local Strain Control in Monolayer…
Professor : Prof. Kyoung-Duck Park 2023-04-05
Prof. Kyoung-Duck Park 2023-01-10 276
3 [Jul. 29, 2014] 김윤호 교수 연구실 – Experimental demonstration of delayed-choice decoherence suppression
Professor : 김윤호 2019-02-13
김윤호 2014-07-29 274
2 [Jul 10, 2014] 김윤호 교수 연구실 - Fundamental Bounds in Quantum Measurement for Estimating Quantum States
Professor : 김윤호 2019-02-13
김윤호 2014-07-10 270
1 [Dec 13, 2013] 김기석 교수 연구실 - Dirac versus Weyl Fermions in Topological Insulators: Adler-Bell-Jackiw …
Professor : 김기석 2019-02-13
김기석 2013-12-13 254
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