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[Prof. Cho Gil Young] Non-Fermi Liquids in Conducting Two-Dimensional …

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Journal Physical Review Letters 126, 186601 (2021)
Professor in chargeprof. Cho Gil Young
Release date2021-05-06

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Caption: (a) An Y junction on the honeycomb network and possible perturbations such as the hopping, the backscattering, etc. (b) The extension of the conductance at each of the junctions into the conductivity of the conducting network. (c) “Phase diagram” of the network in temperature.


[Prof. Cho Gil Young] Non-Fermi Liquids in Conducting Two-Dimensional Networks


We explore the physics of novel fermion liquids emerging from conducting networks, where 1D metallic wires form a periodic 2D superstructure. Such structure naturally appears in marginally twisted bilayer graphenes, moire transition metal dichalcogenides, and also in some charge-density wave materials. For these network systems, we theoretically show that a remarkably wide variety of new non-Fermi liquids emerge and that these non-Fermi liquids can be classified by the characteristics of the junctions in networks. Using this, we calculate the electric conductivity of the non-Fermi liquids as a function of temperature, which show markedly different scaling behaviors than a regular 2D Fermi liquid.


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