• Undergraduate
  • Research Program
Research Program
Physics department at POSTECH offers Tutoring Programs for undergraduate students to deepen their understandings of core physics coursework.

Tutor requirements Undergraduate junior, or a senior.
Application date /process Application date: February and August each year.
Application process: e-mail notification ⇢ registration ⇢ tutor selection ⇢ tutoring start
Quota : 1 person per course
Qualification Subjects: Spring semester: Classical dynamics, quantum mechanics I, Electrodynamics II, Computational physics.
Fall semester: Electrodynamics I, Mathematical Physics, Quantum mechanics II, Thermal physics.
Contents Tutee: all undergraduate students
Tutors provide supplementary explanations, problem solving, and Q&As.

Each year, there is an Open Lab program for the graduate applicates to tour around POSTECH and earn information about research groups at the physics department.

Application/Place Application date : summer vacation period each year (2days)
Place : Engineering building #3 at POSTECH.
Contents Introduction to research groups at the physics department, tour of various research groups, interview opportunities with professors of interest.

Motivated undergraduates can participate in various research projects at many research groups.

Students have opportunities to experience various careers related to their majors form the SES program.

Contens Credit approval: Up to 12 credits can be obtained from the SES program. 4 of these credits can be approved as graduation requirements, and any exceeding credits will be marked on the transcript.
Physics department approves the earned credits as Major Elective.
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