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[Dec. 26] Physics/BK21+/SRC Seminar - Dr. Dong-Keun Ki (Univ. of Geneva)
2014-12-26 |
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[Dec.17]PHYSICS/SRC/BK21+ SEMINAR_Dr. Hyungkook Choi(Weizmann Institute of Science)
2014-12-17 |
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[Dec. 11] Physics/MPK Seminar-Dr. Manh Duc Le (IBS CCES)
2014-12-11 |
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[Dec.12]PHYSICS/SRC/IBS SEMINAR_Prof.Myung Joon Han(KAIST)/Prof. Sung-Hoon Lee(POSTECH)
2014-12-10 |
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[IES Seminar] 12/6(토) 세미나
2014-12-06 |
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[IBS] CALDES Special Seminar: Sung-Ho Salk (POSTECH) on Nov.27(Thu), 6:30pm
2014-11-27 |
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[Nov.17] Physics/BK21+ seminar-Dr. Seung-Ho Baek (IFW-Dresden, Germany)
2014-11-17 |
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[Nov. 14] Physics/BK21+ Special Seminar-Dr. Stephen STREEIFFER (Argonne Natl. Lab.)
2014-11-14 |
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[Nov. 4] Physics/BK21+ seminar-Prof. Minhyea Lee (U. of Colorado Boulder)
2014-11-04 |
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[Oct.31]PHYSICS/SRC/IBS SEMINAR_Dr. Nestor Haberkorn(CNEA/CAB)/Prof. Jeong Young Park(KAIST)
2014-10-31 |
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[IBS] CALDES Special Seminar: Deung-Jang Choi (Max Planck ResearchGroup) on Oct 30(Thu), 4pm
2014-10-30 |
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IBS CALDES Seminar: Chi Chen(Academia Sinica, Taiwan) on Oct. 21, pm 4:30
2014-10-21 |
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[Sep.26]PHYSICS/SRC/IBS SEMINAR_Prof.Hyoung Joon Choi(Yonsei U.)/Prof. Moon-Ho Jo(POSTECH)
2014-09-26 |
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[Sep. 16] Physics/BK21+ seminar-Dr. Jieun Lee (Univ. of Michigan)
2014-09-16 |
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[Aug. 21] MSE/BK21+ Special Seminar-Prof. Chul-ho Lee (Korea Univ.)
2014-08-21 |