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[Nov. 11] BK21/MPC-AS Seminar-Dr. Ionut GeorgescuJ(Max-Planck, U. of California)
2011-11-11 |
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[Oct. 28] BK21/Physcis/MPC-AS Seminar-Prof. Milan Kalal (Czech Technical U., Prague)
2011-10-28 |
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[Oct.28th] PHYSICS/BK21 SEMINAR - Dr. Joonwoo Bae (KIAS)
2011-10-28 |
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[Oct.18th] PHYSICS/BK21 SEMINAR - Dr. Sang Hoon Lee (Umea Univ., Sweden)
2011-10-18 |
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[Oct.18th] PHYSICS/BK21 SEMINAR - Dr. Seung-Woo Son (Univ. of Calgary, Canada)
2011-10-18 |
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[Oct.17th]PHYSICS/BK21 SEMINAR - Prof. Frederick Skiff (University of Iowa, USA)
2011-10-18 |
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[Oct.14th] PAL SEMINAR - Dr. Artur Braun (Lab. for High Performance Ceramics, EMPA)
2011-10-14 |
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[Oct.7th] PHYSICS/BK21 SEMINAR - Dr. Takashi Uchihashi (National Institute for Materials Sci.)
2011-10-07 |
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[Sep. 30] PHYSICS/BK21 SEMINAR-Prof. Georges Bouzerar (Institut Neel CNRS Grenoble, France)
2011-09-30 |
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[Sep.21] CFPDSSO/BK21 Seminar - Prof. T. Munsat (Univ. of Colorado)
2011-09-21 |
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[Aug.19th] PHYSICS/BK21 SEMINAR - Dr. Reinhard Kremer(Max Planck Institute)
2011-08-19 |
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[Aug.18th] PHYSICS/BK21 SEMINAR - Prof. Shiro Yamazaki (Univ. of Hamburg)
2011-08-18 |
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[Aug. 16th] PHYSICS/BK21 SEMINAR - Prof. Yong-Yeol Ahn (Indiana Univ.)
2011-08-16 |
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[Aug. 16th] PHYSICS/BK21 SEMINAR - Dr. Young-Ho Eom (Institute for Scientific Interchange, Italy)
2011-08-16 |
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[7.25] Physics/BK21 Seminar - Prof. Jong Eun Han (SUNY, Buffalo)
2011-07-25 |