968 |
[NOV.12]PHYSICS SEMINAR-Dr.Youngkuk Kim (Univ. of Pennsylvania)
2015-11-12 |
967 |
*CHANGE OF NOTICE* [Nov. 10 3:00 PM] IBS CALDES Seminar - Dr. Bo-Hyun Kim (KAIST
2015-11-10 |
966 |
[Nov. 11] Physics/MPK/BK21+ Colloquium-Prof. Junsuk Rho (POSTECH)
2015-11-11 |
965 |
[Nov. 3] IBS CALDES Seminar_Dr. Leonardo Civale (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
2015-11-03 |
964 |
[NOV.13]PHYSICS/SRC SEMINAR_Prof. Jaekwang Lee(Pusan National University)/Dr. Hyo Won Kim(Samsung Ad…
2015-11-13 |
963 |
[Nov. 4] Physics/MPK/BK21+ Colloquium-Prof. Yong-Hyun Kim (KAIST)
2015-11-04 |
962 |
[Oct. 26-27] APCTP/Physics/BK21+ Lecture - Prof. Liya Eremin (Ruhr U. Bochum, Germany)
2015-10-26 |
961 |
[Oct. 28] Physics/MPK/BK21+ Colloquium-Dr. Junho Suh (KRISS)
2015-10-28 |
960 |
[Oct. 27] Physics/BK21+ Seminar - Dr. Jongmin Sung (UCSF)
2015-10-27 |
959 |
Faculty Position Announcement by Dept. of physics, POSTECH
2015-10-19 |
958 |
[OCT.16]PHYSICS/SRC SEMINAR_Dr. Myung-Ho Bae(KRISS)/Prof. Gwan-Hyoung Lee(Yensei University)
2015-10-16 |
957 |
[Oct. 14]Physics/MPK/BK21+ Colloquium-Prof. Se-Young Jeong (Pusan Natl U.)
2015-10-14 |
956 |
[Oct. 14] Physics/BK21+ Seminar - Dr. Mark D. Bird (MagLab, USA)
2015-10-14 |
955 |
[Oct. 7]Physics/MPK/BK21+ Colloquium-Prof. Keun Su Kim (POSTECH)
2015-10-07 |
954 |
[Oct. 9] Physics/BK21+ Seminar - Dr. Jayil Lee (Columbia Univ.)
2015-10-09 |