948 |
[Sep. 9] Physics/MPK/BK21+ Colloquium-Dr. Haeja Lee (SLAC)
2015-09-09 |
947 |
[Sep. 2] Physics/MPK/BK21+ Colloquium-Prof. Heedeuk Shin (POSTECH)
2015-09-02 |
946 |
[Aug. 26] Physics/BK21+ Seminar - Dr. Sangsul Lee (PAL)
2015-08-26 |
945 |
메타물질/플라즈모닉스 워크샵 정보, 포항공대 (8월24일)
2015-08-24 |
944 |
[Aug. 14] Physics/BK21+ Seminar - Prof. Bo Huang (U. of California)
2015-08-14 |
943 |
[APCTP] 2015 JRG Symposium on Recent Topics of Theoretical Physics
2015-05-13 |
942 |
[IBS] Pioneers Symposium
2015-08-14 |
941 |
[Aug. 11] I-BIO/Physics Distinguished Lecture-Prof. Shimon Weiss (UCLA)
2015-08-11 |
940 |
[Aug. 11] Physics/BK21+ Seminar - Prof. Greg Stewart (U. of Florida)
2015-08-11 |
939 |
[MPK-PMI joint seminar] High Performance supercomputation : theory and application
2015-07-01 |
938 |
[Jun. 29-30] MAX Planck POSTECH/Korea Research Initiative Symposium
2015-07-29 |
937 |
[Jun. 19] Physics/BK21+ Seminar - Dr. Gil-Young Cho (KAIST)
2015-06-19 |
936 |
[Jun.12]PHYSICS/SRC/IBS SEMINAR_Prof.Hongki Min(Seoul National U.)/Prof.Hyeonsik Cheong(Sogang U.)
2015-06-12 |
935 |
[Jun 5] Physics seminar - Prof. Sang Wook Kim (Pusan National Univ.)
2015-06-05 |
934 |
[Jun 4] Physics seminar-Dr.JoonSukHuh(Harvard Univ.)
2015-06-04 |