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  • Seminar/Colloquim



Structure and dynamics of complex fluids

연사: 김민수[Department of Physics University of Illinois]

일시: 2007 년 6 월 18 일 13:30

장소: 물리학과 세미나실(공학3동 201호)


Soft material ranges from a chain of conducting conjugated polymer to photonic crystal which is composed of micron sized particles. Manipulating the interactions of the constituents, such as polymers, micron sized particles or biomaterials, can lead to structural changes of the system which will cause dramatic modifications in its macroscopic properties. A main theme of my research is understanding the physics of microscopic or mesoscopic structures which governs the macroscopic properties of materials. First, I will describe my current single particle level study of colloidal rotation. Colloids are micron sized solid particles which exhibit Brownian motion in suspension. Tuning the surface chemistry and the concentration of the colloidal particles can give a rise to interesting phenomena in translation and rotation. Many of these features are hidden when taking the ensemble average and single particle level study is essential. Second, molecular alignment in a nanometer-thin fluid film is measured spectroscopically for the first time and its close relation to its mechanical response will be discussed.

문의처: 이후종(054-279-2072, hjlee@postech.ac.kr)
