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Secrecy properties of quantum channels

연사: JoonWoo Bae[KIAS]

일시: 2007 년 7 월 18 일 15:00

장소: 물리학과 세미나실(공학3동 201호)


We identify those properties of a quantum channel that are relevant for cryptography. We focus on general key distribution protocols that use prepare and measure schemes and the existing classical reconciliation techniques, as these are the protocols feasible with current technology. Given a channel, we derive an easily computable necessary condition of security for such protocols. In spite of its simplicity, this condition is shown to be tight for the BB84 and six- state protocols. We show that the condition becomes also sufficient in the event of general attacks.

문의처: 김윤호(054-279-2093, yoonho@postech.ac.kr)
