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  • Seminar/Colloquim



"Physics and Applications of Multiband Superconductor MgB2 Thin Films

연사: Xiaoxing Xi[Penn State University]

일시: 2007 년 10 월 5 일 13:00
장소: 물리학과 세미나실(공학3동 201호)


The existence of multiple bands in MgB2 leads to new physical phenomena that do not exist in single-band superconductors. It is also a promising superconductor for high-field magnets, electronics, and RF cavities. High quality MgB2 films are critical for electronic applications, and are promising for high field magnets in the form of coated conductors and for RF cavity by coating the interior cavity wall. In this talk, I will review the research at Penn State on physics and applications of MgB2 thin films made by hybrid physical-chemical vapor deposition (HPCVD) as well as by ex situ annealing of CVD-grown B films in Mg vapor.

문의처: 이성익(054-279-2073, silee@postech.ac.kr)