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"Topological Quantum Computation in Two-Dimensional Electron Systems

연사: Xin Wan[Zhejiang University]

일시: 2008 년 3 월 17 일 15:00 ~
장소: 물리학과 세미나실(3-201호)


I will give a brief overview of the burgeoning field of topological quantum computation, with the focus on its potential realization in fractional quantum Hall systems. After a pedagogical introduction on the emergence and braiding of anyons in two-dimensional electron gases in strong magnetic field, I will discuss some of the recent ideas, advances, and difficulties in this area. In particular, experimental research now concentrates on the demonstration of the existence of non-Abelian anyons in the fractional quantum Hall systems with filling fraction 5/2. In addition, I will discuss briefly how to encode and manipulate quantum information in a concrete anyonic system to realize quantum computing.

문의처: 김승환(054-279-2085, swan@postech.ac.kr)