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"“Numerical Renormalization Group Calculations for the Bosonic Single-Impurity Anderson Model”

연사: Dr. Hyun-Jung Lee[Univ. of Ausburg, Germany]

일시: 2008 년 3 월 19 일 16:30 ~
장소: 물리학과 세미나실(3-201호)


We consider a quantum impurity model in which a bosonic impurity level is coupled to a non-interacting bosonic bath, with the bosons at the impurity site subject to a local Coulomb repulsion U . Numerical renormalization group calculations for this bosonic single-impurity Anderson model reveal a zero-temperature phase diagram where Mott phases with reduced charge uctuations are seperated from a Bose-Einstein condensed phase by lines of quantum critical points. We investigate the dynamics of the impurity model in various circumstances and prepare the ground for the dynamical mean-field theory of the Bose-Hubbard model.

문의처: 이현우(054-279-2092, hwl@postech.ac.kr)