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“Impurity doping effect in MgB2:
   Scientific and Technological Issues”
? Speaker : Prof. Yong-Jihn Kim (Univ. of Puerto Rico)
? Place : Physics Seminar Room (Science Bldg, 3-201)
? Date & Time : July,  8(Wed)  4:00  ~  5:00 pm

MgB2  is  a  unique  BCS  type  High  Tc  superconductor.  Although  its superconductivity is due to the strong
electron-phonon interaction,  our understanding is not detailed enough to  find similar  high  Tc  materials. From a
technological point of view  MgB2 wires  can  be  used  for  MRI magnets and electricity transmission.

Impurity doping can provide important information on the superconducting mechanism  and  enhance the  high  field  
properties  of  MgB2  wires  for technological applications. First, we explain the disorder induced evolution of two energy
gaps in MgB2 using the two band model and  the  scattered states. Second, we show that special class of impurities can
enhance  the high field properties of MgB2 significantly for MRI magnet applications and for  power  transmission  [Y-.J.
Kim,  US  patent  application  number, 20090033330].
         Contact Person : Prof. Byung Il Min(054-279-2074, bimin@postech.ac.kr)"