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PHYSICS/ BK21 Colloquium[09.10.30]


               “Photonic crystals, metamaterials,
              and quantum metamaterials”

Ø* Speaker :  Prof. Jeong Weon Wu [Ewha Womans University]  
Ø* Place : Physics Seminar Room (Science Bldg, 3-201)
Ø* Date & Time : Oct,  30(Fri)  4:00 ~ 5:00 pm

In an optical medium possessing a spatial distribution  of  refractive  index  with  periodicity
on the order of wavelength, there exists a photonic band gap  similar  to  the  band  gap  in
semiconductors.  We call these optical medium the photonic crystals. By varying the incident
light intensity or by use of external electric field, the band gap of  photonic  crystal  can  be
controlled, which enables a realization of various photonic switching. Artificial optical media
possessing the spatial distribution of refractive index  smaller  than  wavelength  are  called
metamaterials. When the spatial distribution is on the order of micrometer, THz metamaterials
can be obtained, while the optical metamaterials can  be  realized  in  the  nano-structured
artificial optical medium.  In these metamaterials,  the optical property not existing in  nature
can be observed and a variety of new symmetric structures can be designed. By manipulating
the boundaries of graphenes,  the propagation of De Broglies wave can be tailored, which is
called quantum metamaterial. In quatum  metamaterials,  phenomena  can  observed  those
appearing in optical metamaterials such as negative refraction and collimation.

                 Contact Person : Prof. Hu-Jong Lee (054-279-2072, ,hjlee@postech.ac.kr)                              
