professor profile
- Jeon,Jae-Hyung
- Research Area
- Biophysics/ Complex Systems
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- 2007: Ph.D, POSTECH
- 2000: B.S., POSTECH
- Anomalous diffusion in biological cells
- Membrane physics
- Chromosome structure & dynamics
- Single-molecule DNA physics
- Active gels
- General nonquilibrium statistical physics
- First Discovery of Weak Ergodicity in Living System
- Development of Single-trajectory Anlaysis Theory for Single-particle Tracking Experiment
- Discovery of Viscoelastic Subdiffusion & Non-Gaussian Dynamics in Membrane Dynamics
- Development of Mesocopic Model for DNA conformation & elasticity
- Development of Breathing Worm-like Chain Model
- Aging Levy Walk Theory for mRNA Transport in Neurons