professor profile
- Kim, Dong Eon
- Research Area
- AMO Physics
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- 1989: Ph.D., Princeton University
- 1984: M.S., Princeton University
- 1982: B.S. Seoul National University
- Ultrafast optics: fs TW lase, sub-10 fs laser, CEP-stabilized fs laser, attosecond pulse generation
- Ultrafast X-ray science: study of ultrafast dynamics in atomic, molecular, and condensed system using fs, and pulse
- Development of analysis technique of molten Zn pot by using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
- Development of 2.87 nm source for X-ray microscope using a stable liquid nitrogen jet(Grand Prize (Presidential Award) in 2007 Korea Invetion and Patents Competition)
- Demonstration of 50 nm-resolution imaging using synchrotron-based X-ray microscope
- Demonstration of isolated attosecond pulse and its application to attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy and photoemission spectroscopy
- Demonstration of current switching in dielectrics at PHz rate
- Successful demonstration of 18.2 nm soft x-ray amplification using capillary-discharge plasmaSuccessful demonstration of 18.2 nm soft x-ray amplification using capillary-discharge plasma